What equipment have you bought this year so far ?

I have bought three pieces: Grado RS1 Classic headphones, Burson Audio Soloist headamp/preamp and Purist Audio Aquila power cord. All used. Oh yes, I also have got two sealed Maxell Metal Vertex clank cassette tapes.
Setting up headphone system centered around a Yamamoto HA-3 headphone amp so have added vinyl with a Origin Live table, Origin Live Onyx arm, Aural Trills Serenade tube phono, Hifiman Xv2 cans, Moon Audio Silver and Black cables, Breeze Audio 200 tube headphone amp(as backup),several sets of Psvane Treasure tubes. New set of KT150 tubes for my Quicksilver M120s in my big system and had my ZYX Universe rebuilt by Soundsmith for my main rig.  
Usher Mini Dancer 2's (used);Bluesound Vault 2;Thiel 1.2's (well used)
Next up, some amp decisions!
Like Slaw a lot of music

but also some hardware....

Brinkmann Bardo
Triplaner Mk7 S2
Acoustat RP-2 preamp
Thiel CS2.3 ( trade )
SOTA Sapphire, misc busted stuff

sell / sold or giveaway pile

Sumiko FT-3
Grado RP

Only the stuff needed, no "desire" items. Those will have to wait until I have my health back.

Ortofon 2M Black
Questyle QP2r
Focal Sphear S IEM's
Full set of tubes (Winged-C 5U4's, Psvane EL34PH's, EH Gold 6SN7's, Psvane 12au7 Tii's)
Assorted other bits/bobs for some DIY maintenance and cables.