What happened to Plastic CD Cases?

I bought three new CD's yesterday. All three came in folding cardboard cases. The problem with these cardboard cases to me is threefold- first, I have to pinch the CD by the edge touching both the label side and the music side. Second, by dragging the CD out of the cardboard pocket, it just feels like I'm cutting the surface of the music side with cardboard fibers. And thirdly, stacking the cardboard cases on a shelf hides the Disc Title.

I cringe everytime I pull a CD out of one of these cardboard cases. It goes against all of my years of caring for records- and CD's. Worst, I have torn a couple of these cases when I tried squeezing on them to open the mouth wider and make it easier to pull out the disc.

Maybe plastic cases are not so environmentally friendly, but the music industry needs to drastically improve on the paper case.

Am I the only one who feels this way?
I will take the cases, my friends burn alot for me, if you get some I will pay you for your trouble....win win situation.
I throw away all my jewel boxes and put my CDs and their covers in Viewpaks made by Univenture. Wish I could find a good place to recycle the jewel boxes. The Viewpaks take up much less space and protect the CDs. I have no connection to the company.
Could someone please tell me how throwing away a plastic case that your cd comes in and buying a "green" alternative saves anything? It seems to me that you are actually using more resources by doing that.
I have no love of jewel cases. They waste space (even the slim ones) and are far from green. I much prefer the mini LP format. Also, more boxed sets are arriving with each CD in a cardboard sleeve, and the group of cardboard sleeves in a compact box. Finally, similar to the product suggested by Fpeel, check out http://www.jewelsleeve.com
Screw less plastic, I WANT..NO I NEED to see the group and album name. cardboard and slim cases dont allow for that. Its not easy to look up a disc with a disability and its even worse when you cant tell from a couple feet what you are grabbing. This green stamp on everything is getting a bit old and I am sure many more then just me are growing quickly tired of the "movement".
I dount its about the planet, its about cost...less weight, less size equals easier and cheaper to ship, those who make mass volumes of cd's are probably alot like me and could care less about the panic stricken leaders of the green scream scheme, its about the bottom line.

hmmmm "Green Scream Scheme"....I kinda like that :)
There seems to be a difference in the Japan packaging that Grateful describes and US packaging. I do like the new mini-LP style but the US version is lacking in the paper sleeve that the CD goes in which the Japan version seem to have. I have a few Jack Johnson CD's that I wish came with the paper sleeve. If they would put that, I think that would be solves the OP problem of the CD getting scratched. Then it would be up to the non-audiophile to recycle the sleeve or not.
All of my plastic cases got tossed after I finally found a reasonable alternative:


(Be advised that this link plays a flash-style demo)

It's a pretty ingenious solution to plastic jewel case pollution.
One more point for hard drive based storage. I really like the cases that SACDs come in though--they seem a little more durable.
I'd not get too upset over it as things aren't likely to change anytime soon.

Pressing a finger into the center hub the disc mounts to usually enables easy removal, as the disc will pop free without being warpped or flexed dramatically.

I sure would like to see those CDs packaged in sleeves like LPs were/are, and decent cases too boot.

Be careful with the replacement slim line cases too. Some are even worse than the ones that come with the orig CD as their 'hubs' are miss formed or they break easily, or won't shut and stay shut very well.

of course, stacking them on edge won't allow you to read what disc is what, afterwards either.

It definitely is a drag. it is also why I use mega drives and hard disc drives to corelate, store and playback digital music.
I prefer the cardboard/paper cases. My only concern is longevity. But then again I have some lps that are nearing 40 years old and the covers are still intact. Worn? Yes, but still serviceable.
I fully praise the papersleeve / Mini-LP CD's. I don't understand the problems you are having -- maybe the American versions you are purchasing are some how different than the Japan.

I have well around 2500 Japan Mini-LP / papersleeve CDs and find them to be EXCELLENT. Let along the Japanese do a exemplar job at mastering old jazz albums, but the packaging is AWESOME. A miniaturized album cover, front, back, and inside (if gatefold). Exactly done just like my old records. Fabulously done!!!

When I first saw one -- I thought, why in the h__l have this not caught on in the USA. I mean, come-on, no wonder CD sales have dropped like a rock -- it is the absolute biggest pain in-the-__s to open those plastic clam-shells. All the extra taping around the corners for security strips (who cares) and those plastic handcuffs that some CD are placed in (cut my hand open once trying to open one of those -- should have sued, to make a point). And once you finally get to your CD, then you have to almost break it (by flexion) to get it out of the center hole lock... enough is enough.

The Mini-LP / papersleeve CD's I've bought are extremely well packaged, in a reseal-able plastic cover and the CD is housed in a plastic jacket within the cardboard sleeve. Easy to open, easy to get the CD out without damage, and a pleasure to look at the mini-album jacket. Excellent product!!! and their price reflects it.
I use slim case plastic cd cases to hold the cd and I get plastic cd size slipcovers for the paper digipacs. These can be kept side by side on your storage shelf avoiding damage to the cd and the digipac.

Office supply stores like Office Max or Staples sell the slim cases pretty cheap. The plastic sleeves can be bought online at Bags Unlimited.

I don't like the packaging either but it's probably only going to get worse.
The worst thing about all cd cases are that they do not work the flimsy hinge along with the super sticky label insures that 50% of all cases wont make it through the opening process. On the up side you could buy replacement cases pretty cheap switching the art work you were back in business.

I have quite a few of the "new" cardboard cases where the plastic ring has broken some of the holding lugs rendering them absolutely useless. To use a better crappy case you have to scan the artwork then put in the better crappy case.

This proves you have to have a sense of humor to be an audiophile.