What is a minimum room size for 1.7 Maggies?

Greetings all, my room is 12x14x7. I would like to audition the 1.7' s, however, with my room size, will it be worth it?
Also, I am using a 150w McIntosh amp. Any thoughts?
Thanks a bunch in advance.
I run 3.6's too in a 13 X 18 X 8 room with McCormack DNA-500 and SVS Ultra sub and it's fine. I have major room tune stuff on front/back walls. My system will energize the room, that's for sure. I agree with Arh, you should be fine.

I tried the 12QRs in an 11x12x8 room and felt they needed much more space. Might've been I just didn't care for the Maggie sound but I definitely wished I had a larger room to try them in.
It really comes down to how you are using that room... if it's a dedicated audio room with very little of anything else, then I bet it would sound fantastic with a bit of acoustic treatment. If you need to fit lot of furniture in the room as well, then I would think it could be difficult to get enough space behind the speakers. Maggies really need room behind them to breath....
Your room size may not be optimum, but there's no reason you can't use Maggies in it.

If you have to place the Maggies close to the wall behind them (like less than 3 or 4 feet out), I suggest either diffusing or (only as a last resort) absorbing the backwave. You REALLY don't want to overdo absorption - much of the magic of a good dipole is the extra reverberant energy the backwave adds, and you want it to be full-spectrum energy, just like at a live performance.

If it's your mancave, you might even try a diagonal or semi-diagonal placement, the latter really staggers the distances to room boundaries.

dealer/manufacturer/longtime Maggie fan