What is an Audiophile?

Jax2, I think put up a link to a series of definitions, but I wonder what the Audiogon community considers an Audiophile.
Someone who is incapable of enjoying music, but thinks with a few upgrades in their system they will be.
Someone who is willing to endure the ridicule of his family & "normal" friends for hearing the improvements caused by :
- raquetballs under CD players
- metal spikes under speakers,
- lifting cables off the carpet
- cleaning stylus with Magic Eraser
- good mono records

...I could go on all day. Cheers,
I consider a true audiophile a music lover who values quality sound reproduction and buys products that enable him/her to reach that end. Others may have more complex definitions, but that one has always worked for me.
An audiophile is a perfectionist who is passionate about music, and secondarily about the equipment and tweaks used to replicate the musical event in their own home, not merely playing back a CD or LP.

How's that for a run-on sentence!