Yes but the topic was total amps not power so # amps per channel x 2.
Class D amps are most efficient by a large margin. That’s their biggest claim to fame. So they are inherently better at delivering more power and current than others. Just like more efficient speakers are better at going louder with less.
You will have to take that argument up with bel canto and their published specs for PEAK amps and power onto both 8 and 4 ohms. That power double couldn’t happen without the hefty # amps to enable it. If more than enough, then better safe than sorry. Right now the OP still sounds sorry so maybe better to be safe.
Class D amps are most efficient by a large margin. That’s their biggest claim to fame. So they are inherently better at delivering more power and current than others. Just like more efficient speakers are better at going louder with less.
You will have to take that argument up with bel canto and their published specs for PEAK amps and power onto both 8 and 4 ohms. That power double couldn’t happen without the hefty # amps to enable it. If more than enough, then better safe than sorry. Right now the OP still sounds sorry so maybe better to be safe.