What is Paypal charging you?

Paypal is presently charging me a 4.05% fee on transactions, up from 3.95% just yesterday. They keep bumping their percentage fee up on me - it started out at 2.9%.

Unfortunately, the fine print gives them the right to charge whatever they want, so my only recourse is to stop using them.

Just curious - what are the rest of ya'll getting charged?
They are charging me .029% plus .30 cents on each transaction which puts it well over 4%.For instance A Total including shipping of $10 x .029=.29 cents plus .30 per transaction= .59 cents which is .059% of $10 total....A $20 Total charge= .044%,A $100 total=.032%.So it depends on Total amount as to % charged.My rate has been unchanged for some time.Most here including myself charge .029 or .03% for using Paypal and are losing $ on smaller sales.If you are selling on Ebay and add in ALL of their charges plus Paypal, expenses get really high[Total around $2.25 for selling a $15 Cd or Dvd].Hope this helps.JD
I like the way paypal works, but I only use bank accts. (no cc) to pay or recieve payment and it's free!
If you go with the basic membership, and cash only, you dont get charged. It's the upgraded levels and the credit card transactions where you get dinged.

That is the only way around the fee, which they must be
able to change without notice.