What is the best DAC to buy used in the $500 range

I am looking for suggestions on the best sounding used DAC in the range of $500 used. I have checked the archives but didn't find any useful information. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to look for? Thanks for the interest.
pubstub, patience is the key. The Forum has much, much useful info. Go into Forum - Digital and just start reading. Also, as you're working your way thru, go into the Digital sales area and review the suggestions and the items that junp out at you. You probably won't get your answer in a night, but over a week you will be alot more versed and probably looking at specific makes. But have fun. Dave
Italian has good advice if I may say so--the question, "What's the best unit for X dollars?" has so many answers that it is really not too helpful. The data you can gather by listening is the most reliable, but if reading is all you can do, it's a good idea to read around the central question, finding other answers as you do, and new questions.

Also, if you read the Digital forum as suggested (here and at Audio Asylum), you will find some good ideas hidden under titles that don't seem like what you're looking for.

And yet, all that said, I can't help starting the inevitable, confusing list of specific recommendations that may end up to be a yard or so long. Here it is: Apogee pro gear is sleeper. I have an Apogee DA-1000E and it cost around what you are willing to pay.
Why settle for used. You can get a new Audio Mirror D1 DAC for $500 new on Audiogon (sounds like 3 - 4x the price). I just bought one and am thrilled with it. One note, it is non-up/oversampling so if you're not into that philosophy then you'll need to consider others. Doing my research I have seen great products from Scott Nixon, Bel Canto, MBS, Ack,and others in your price range. Look around and do some research and I'm sure you'll find what you're after.
Pugstub, the world is your oyster in that price range. Musical Fidelity make the A3 24 which sold for $1200 new and can be had for around $550.
EAD made the wonderful 7000 series III that I've seen go for around $450 and sold for almost $3000 when new.

There's one thing for sure, at the $500 level, if you buy it and find that you don't like it, you can likely resell it within a week or two and not lose a penny.

Be bold, read a few threads and take the plunge!
