What is the optimal temperature/humidity for audio

I have often wondered how the climate inside the listening room affects the overall performance of audio playback. I have found on many occasions that my system sounds best on a hot and humid summer night. I supppose that the density of the air acts as some sort of acoustic filter in certain conditions. What are your thoughts?
Vegasrear, you can read all you want on AA, I'm not an alcoholic, and I don't post on any other audio websites other than audiogon, so how would anyone there know what a jerk I am???

If you are ever in Wisconsin, I would be happy to step out from behind my keyboard and discuss this like men, or do you just call people names from "the safety of being out of range?"

My CDP is better than yours, and it still doesn't sound as good as my TT, but you're probably not able to make that assessment in your system since your TT isn't very good either...



The gentleman, Nrchy, is entitled to his opinion of cd players. I don't call a guy a jerk if he happens to like anchovie pizza and I don't. It's often the person doing the name calling that most resembles the accusation made.