Yes, Lyra's recommendation is 1.70 - 1.80 grams. Yes, this is a rather tight range compared to other cartridges.
The tracking range on my Transfiguration Phoenix S is 1.7 - 2.2 grams with a 2.0 grams recommended. 5 times the range of your Lyra.
First, I would not panic, as 1.95 is not so much off that any damage has occurred. Second, as sbank mentions, always check your VTF one last time after making any other adjustments, as changing azimuth, VTA, etc., can all effect the VTF.
Lastly, how many times did you check the VTF, and how much was it changing?
Generally, many scales have a certain "sweet" spot that could change the results a bit. For example, if I have the cartridge sitting right in the sweet spot, generally if weighed three times the weight will barely fluctuate, say +/- 0.01 gram. If you are off the spot a bit, you may get fluctuations of +/- 0.05 grams.
Just go ahead and make the adjustments to set the VTF in the 1.7-1.8 range. Shoot for 1.75, but don't worry if it is 1.73, 1.74, 1.76, etc., as the scales have some error in them as well.
Just enjoy the music.