what is the problem with too much tracking force?

I have a Lyra Delos on a Michell Tecnodec.  The dealer set it up for me.  2 years later, I would like to learn to do this myself.  I bought the MOFI Geo Disc alignment tool, a digital stylus scale, a powerful magnifier, and an ultrasonic stylus cleaner.  I am ready to up my game with my vinyl hobby.  I was on the sidelines too long!

The first thing I did was to weigh the VTF with the scale with my table set up as it has been for a couple of years.  It came in at 1.95g.  The Lyra documentation suggests 1.75, so clearly I am tracking too heavy.  Before I correct this, what is the issue?  Is there something I should look for when I change it to 1.75?

Any advice before I do this adjustment would be much appreciated!
lyra ranges from 1.75g to 2.25g so yours isn't "overweight" and normal.
setting it slightly heavier than recommended is OK. The tonearm compliance may also come to equation to ensure proper and stable tracking of cartridge.
precise digital tools are often waste of time especially if you have wide range of records of various thickness and various groove depth. setting it slightly higher than recommended setting is to ensure that cartridge will properly track all of your records. 
If you make any azimuth or other adjustments measure VTF afterwards again, as it has the potential to accidentally get moved a bit with many tonearm designs. 
FWIW, Walkeraudio.com has an old article on it that explains turntable setup very clearly and might be worth a read for you. Cheers,

Thanks for that.  In fact I called my dealer to chat, and told him I watched Michael Freemmer's setup dvd, and that I want to learn this on my own.  He told me that while Fremmer certainly knows his vinyl, my dealer does not agree with his method exactly.  He said that he also uses a well known record and does some adjustment by ear.

Are you sure about the 1.75 - 2.25 range?  The Lyra website says this of the Delos:
"Recommended tracking force: 1.7g ~ 1.8g (1.75g preferred)"

That's a pretty tight range!

Do you think I should try 1.75 precisely? Or that my dealer did something wise with the 1.95?

I have  a Rega RB250 arm modified with a michell tecnoweight.
czarivey05-29-2016 10:08am"lyra ranges from 1.75g to 2.25g so yours isn't "overweight" ... The tonearm compliance may also come to equation to ensure proper and stable tracking of cartridge."

Actually, Lyra specifies 1.7 - 1.8 grams so yes, 2.25 grams is a little high for this cartridge.

As for "tonearm compliance" ... pickup arms shouldn't really have any compliance at all, so I don't know how it can "come into the equation."