what is the problem with too much tracking force?

I have a Lyra Delos on a Michell Tecnodec.  The dealer set it up for me.  2 years later, I would like to learn to do this myself.  I bought the MOFI Geo Disc alignment tool, a digital stylus scale, a powerful magnifier, and an ultrasonic stylus cleaner.  I am ready to up my game with my vinyl hobby.  I was on the sidelines too long!

The first thing I did was to weigh the VTF with the scale with my table set up as it has been for a couple of years.  It came in at 1.95g.  The Lyra documentation suggests 1.75, so clearly I am tracking too heavy.  Before I correct this, what is the issue?  Is there something I should look for when I change it to 1.75?

Any advice before I do this adjustment would be much appreciated!

Dear Lew, I don't like advertising except when some interesting

story is, uh, sold together with the product. But there is this other

interesting fact. The suspension (rubber) used by Ikeda in his

FR-7 series carts is considered to be ''indestructible''. I own 3 of

those and all of them are still in ''perfect condition'' (since the 80is).

However he never mentioned how old his ''rubber block '' is (grin).

Dear stringreen, The intention of the designer will not do.

All carts producers depend for their parts from their  supplier.

The most get cantilever/styli combo's, the coils and the ''rubber

ring'' from elsewhere. We all (except Raul) know what ''low rider''

means. The suspension is the obvious cause.  According to my

friend Axel Schurholz the EMT's and ZYX are notorious examples

independant from their age.

Dear friends: The @marktomaras thread's question gave us the opportunity to show each one of us as the " expert " we are on that subject where each one ( as always . ) has its own opinion according each one ignorance levels.

My first reaction to the thread was to recomend mark to email JC directly at Lyra but because of time I did not and now I can see to many opinions  and I made a search to Delos owners experiences about and all of them said that the Delos is " extremely " sensitive " to minute VTF changes out of 1.75 gr., I found out two gentlemans that had not that kind of experience but was because they made it a wrong tonearm/cartridge set up parametrs even one of them bought a MINT LP protractor and when used/reset the set up light on at 1.75 .

Each cartridge manufacturer has its own design targets and JC is no exception and he is the real expert on his cartridges not you or me, we are only speculative persons or with very bad advisors behind us.

Now, JC is not only a Lyra expert but one of the best  knowledge level overall cartridge designer if not the best one.

Please read carefully what JC posted several years ago about what everyone is speculating:


Regards and enjoy the music,

Tracking force in excess of 0.2gramm shouldn't cause anything.
If tracking is too light the skips and the grove damage is possible.
Usually heavier settings may cause cantilever suspension go to low premature, but seriously not .2 gramm.

JMCGrogan,  I made the change, but haven't had time to sit and listen critically.  Got caught up with work!  While I was making the VTF adjustment, I did notice that the alignment may be minutely off, but I am not sure.  So it looks like I may start from the beginning!  I'll keep you posted.  thanks, Mark