So, @tweak1 brought up the fabled Clever Little Clock earlier in this thread. The original CLC was a Timex travel alarm clock with an orange dot on the face. Something was definitely very, very clever, but it wasn’t the clock. Rivaled only by legendary products of marketing genius such as the pet rock and the Power Balance wrist band, the CLC garnered almost universal praise from both professional reviewers:
If you do some sleuthing, you may learn the clock has origins beginning with the "Dawn of Man" and is tied to a person’s internal clock survival mechanism that helps to locate predators. The clock addresses alien time coordinates that are contained in a recording and are associated with the 4-dimensional spacetime coordinate system (x, y, z, t), where t is the time of the recording session and t-0 marks the first instant of the Big Bang. Easy peasy....pretty basic stuff. Apparently, it’s the relative difference between Past Time (i.e., recording time) and Present Time (i.e., listening time) that’s important - and that is where the CLC come in. If you happen to question the lineage of the CLC, consider that:
I found my entire listening experience to be much more enjoyable with the Clock in place.....Machina Dynamica sells the clock direct for $199, and it’s well worth the well as from audio aficionados such as tweek1:
I have been using many Machina Dynamica tweak products to great effect over a decade, including the Clever Little Clocks, and yes they too perform as advertised. If his products don’t work for you then look to your system, or maybe your hearing is not capable, but his products work well.I always appreciate when any dissention is preempted by, "If you cannot hear how great this product is, the problem is either "your crappy system or your crappy hearing" or, one of my favorites, "you obviously don’t know how to listen critically."
If you do some sleuthing, you may learn the clock has origins beginning with the "Dawn of Man" and is tied to a person’s internal clock survival mechanism that helps to locate predators. The clock addresses alien time coordinates that are contained in a recording and are associated with the 4-dimensional spacetime coordinate system (x, y, z, t), where t is the time of the recording session and t-0 marks the first instant of the Big Bang. Easy peasy....pretty basic stuff. Apparently, it’s the relative difference between Past Time (i.e., recording time) and Present Time (i.e., listening time) that’s important - and that is where the CLC come in. If you happen to question the lineage of the CLC, consider that:
The Clever Little Clock is based on concepts and techniques that were developed by PWB Electronics, Leeds, England and is designed and manufactured exclusively by Machina Dynamica. The Clock I currently produce (with the permission of PWB) is an "updated" version of their original clock and takes advantage of many newer PWB concepts/products that have come along since then. May Belt of PWB Electronics provided assistance with this theory of operation.Wow, good to know. Don’t be fooled by substitutes, and don’t be concerned about availability since there is now an Ultra Signature Version of the Clever Little Clock (a Casio with a thermometer and two neodymium magnets!) for only $ that’s darn clever!