What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.

@clearthink, Why so defensive? I take no sides. I simply make the observance that there are two groups diametrically opposed. One of the two groups is drinking the Kool-Aid. I leave it up to you to decide which group that is. Our government has been hopelessly corrupt for quite a while. The fact that there are no term limits in congress and no meaningful campaign finance reforms bears witness to this. If I were not so old and entrenched I would move to Canada. At least I would know what I was getting.

@mahgister, I think you have stumbled onto an interesting problem with us humans. When we do not know what is going on we make stuff up. We mythologize. This may have been going on long before H. sapiens cropped up about 200,000 years ago. Zeus was a creative explanation for lightning. There have been millions of myths throughout our time on this planet all firmly taken as gospel in their day. Many had a very difficult death, like the earth is flat. New myths pop up on a daily basis if you care to watch the news.
@mahgister, I think you have stumbled onto an interesting problem with us humans. When we do not know what is going on we make stuff up. We mythologize. This may have been going on long before H. sapiens cropped up about 200,000 years ago. Zeus was a creative explanation for lightning. There have been millions of myths throughout our time on this planet all firmly taken as gospel in their day. Many had a very difficult death, like the earth is flat. New myths pop up on a daily basis if you care to watch the news.
Thanks for you reply....

But reducing myths to only fancy is also a deception about ourself....

Myths are a fundamental expression of the creative imagination, and in this sense they are not "fictions" in the modern acceptation of the word...Imagination has 2 side: passive imagination this is illusion, dreaming, and going out of the reality...But creative and formative imagination is on the opposite side an access to reality and in this sense it is real...

Cassirer give the example of a curved line, that is a work of art for the artist, a mathematical conic section or the number line for a geometer, or the appearence of a beautiful feminine body for the lover, or an exact metaphor of the absolute infinite for a mystic, or a direct sign of the divine in the sky or in the sand or the confusion between a serpent and and cable in the dark room of imagination for many of us.... The curve is all that at the same times and way MORE.... Without imagination there is NO perception of reality....

And sometimes what we called myth, the oral transmission through millenia, convey and refer to real fact and phenomenon, interpreted in the past, but not reducible to "fiction" only....

Reality is not an outer "fact" or a set of facts.... This is one of the greatest illusion of modern man... Modern science and modern psychology enlightened us about that....

« What seems to exist, but does not exist by itself, is the real staircase that brings us to truth»-Anonymus Smith

«Do you also walk on water?»-Groucho Marx

@clearthink, Why so defensive? I take no sides. I simply make the observance that there are two groups diametrically opposed"

I am not defensive I asked a question which you are unable, unwilling, or incapable of responding to or towards and you have taken a side in this matter of your creation very much! You have said half of your country is suggestible and drank the koolaid you don't need to identify your side to reveal your reasoning that those who disagree with you are suggestible and drank the koolaid it is so obvious.
mijostyn OP3,670 posts02-10-2021 7:25am@mahgister, I am not disagreeing with your statements. Based on the current political situation I would estimate that at least 50% of the population is highly suggestible.

About 60% on one side of the spectrum, 40% on the other, I will leave it up to individuals to decide which side is which.

It is very tragical and comical to read that some think that they are in the right half of humanity.... The less stupid half, the less gullible one for sure... 😁

Many posts here reflect around this 50 % coming from some"nose" statistic... And those speaking in this way truly think that they are in the less worst of these 2 possible goups....The gullible and the non gullible one...

The truth is more drastic.....

All of us, except a ridiculous few number under 1 % are gullible, conditioned, to some degree and confuse truth with opinion or dogma ften if not most of the times....

I even include myself in this group.... I only try to be conscious of this fact time to time...

«Truth is not a medecine at all, it is a disease with sure death of the city for result»-A judge against Plato

«I order the truth for dinner, and they serve me waste on a plate»-Groucho Marx