What is wrong with Audiogon Forums?

Over the last few weeks the Audigon forums have been a mess of pages not working and posts not posting or, just as often, double posting. Others have complained as well, including some old timers. I just wrote a fairly long new post that failed to open the page....and all is lost. Hardly worth retyping at this point.

I like this site and the members here have been a great help to me but the reliability issues are getting old and very frustrating. Any way to know when this mess will be resolved?

And maybe it isn't kosher to ask.....but are there other similar audiophile forums? I've never used any other ones but can't see any reason to stay here if the site doesn't function half the time.

An autosave feature would go a long way to ameliorating the problems.

I just wish they could get the "@" function to work if that is going to be best way to handle that sort of thing. About half the time the drop down list does not include resent responders even if I type in their name. The 'quote' function does not work at all for me.
@bdp24- first time i went to the Continental, it seemed very dark, kind of forbidding, went in and it was like the set of a John Travolta movie. Everybody two steppin’! Yeah, still fixin’ to get over to the Broken Spoke. I’m not much of a dancer but it could be fun. That scene is very wholesome, surprisingly so-- old guys with young women, all good dancers, just for the fun of it. I do think there are some ringers in there- pro level dancers to get ’em goin’, but hell, beats a day out on the range! (Practicin’ my Texan). Love it here, even though I’ll always be a Yankee no matter how long this beard gets. :)
@n80- I can usually get the "@" function to work but it doesn't seem to function for anyone unless they have already posted to that particular thread, which kind of defeats the purpose if you want to call somebody's attention to a thread they aren't already posting in. Quotes, haven't even tried that. URL links- I do it the old fashioned way, with manual inserts. 
@whart, Yeah, The Continental Club is a dump, but they book a lot of great music. Next time I'm in Austin I'm gonna stay at that 1950's-style Austin Motel across the street from it. Drink as much as you want, walk back to your room ;-) .
Let me know if you come to Austin. We live in the neighborhood on the hill behind the Continental called Travis Heights. The Austin Motel was taken over by Liz Lambert, the doyen of South Congress, a few years ago-- it is still pretty inexpensive (except during major festivals and events) and is fun/funky.