What is Your End Game System?

How do you "measure" your end game system? Is it by budget, how much it cost? Is it by the luxuriousness of your build and room?

Is it by your components being either state of the art or unobtanium? Is it by the satisfaction you get when you are sitting in your listening chair?

What is your end game system and how do you know when you have reached it?


In a rapidly evolving technology environment there is no discernible end game: rapid advances in streamer and dac design, class d amplifiers and room correction, who knows what the state of the art will be in 3 years‘ time?

I'd gauge system performance by enjoyment level. Definitely not cost.  Does it make you  happy, check all your boxes, and hold your attention every time you listen?  

My endgame is a pure tube analog system. Much like the one I have, but maybe downscaled in some years time. I try to get everything right in terms of sound in the room without digital correction.