What made you change to a 6SN7 preamp?

If you made an intentional shift toward a 6SN7-based tube preamp, what sonic characteristics motivated your move?

I have been doing some comparisons and think I have some reasons I like the 6SN7 better, but there are so many factors which could be at play, that I'm not sure what is responsible. 

Rather than list my details for others to analyze, I'd rather hear your answer to the basic question.

Tell me about your path toward a 6SN7 preamp?

What did you change from and why?

Even if, overall, the change was worth it, did you lose anything in the transition? What?


I run a preamp which uses 6 x 6DJ8's and the sound is as Bigkidz describes though perhaps a touch of warmth. Never had a 6SN7 preamp in my system always been curious.

The almost infinite choices,is what makes this hobby so wonderful. There is literally a different option for every single preference.  The fact is,I truly enjoy the choices I’ve made. But that’s not saying there are 1000’s more I would enjoy also. Or even more. 

@hilde45 another factor in responses so far may also relate to some people jumping up a level or two on design and improved parts quality with their next tube preamp purchase.

Strictly speaking, i.e bumping from something like a $1500 12Axx preamp up to a $3000+ 6SN7 based [a higher quality] tube preamp as a normal course of order.

With that said, I have no desire to change away from my own upgraded 6SN7 tube preamp and particularly so once I heard higher quality n7 tubes in it.



@bigkidz nailed the 6SN7/6922 comparison.

 Perhaps I shouldn't comment, because I've never owned a 6SN7 based pre.  

OK, as long as you insist.  

What I can say is that I've never been satisfied with my system without a 6SN7 tube in there somewhere.  There is just a magic that they impart to the midrange, especially with brass instruments, that has no parallel.  My old Modwright Sony CD player with the right 6SN7 tubes could do French Horns like no other source I ever heard. 

The popularity of this tube has inspired a lot of new production attention.  There are good-really good- new production 6SN7s out there.  They aren't cheap, but they are being produced and they measure up to and arguably exceed many of the top tier NOS tubes.  You can't say that about the 6922.  Good luck trying to find a NOS 6922 that will hold its own against those old Siemens tubes. 

My preamp uses 101D tubes, and I just love the sound of its Psvane WE replica tubes. That tube has similar virtues to a great 300B.  My source uses 6922s, and I sprung for the NOS Siemens tubes which are worth every penny. They are amazing tubes.  Sweet, smooth, great tone, fast and dynamic.  Superb.  I've carefully selected the 6SN7s in my Atma-Sphere M-60's,  I really think all of these tube designs adds something special, and none of them have glaring weaknesses. 

It takes good design/implementation, system synergy. and then finding the optimal tube choice for the equipment you have if you want to maximize performance. 

If I were to move on from my current preamp, I'd probably be looking for a 6SN7 based unit.  

It was a coincidence that my fave little Dennis Had Firebottle tube amp has one 6SN7GTB input tube (only 4 tubes total in that amp including a rectifier and two power tubes), and after using it with a SS preamp for a while I tried a Schiitt Freya (original version) and it has has 4. So now I have a drawer full. The sonic characteristics are simply great tone including exhibiting tonal greatness,  immense personal satisfaction, and impersonal satisfaction.