What news in 2023 struck you?


It seems the audio press seems to have no end of press releases to hype, but I'm curious looking back for the year what news regarding the audio industry has most struck you?

For instance, the sale of ARC, and Roon, and B&W (or was that last year) seemed pretty significant.  Class D amps with GaN transistors created a lot of buzz and claims of Class D finally reaching it's promised potential.  Textreme drivers have appeared here and there, as has the Purifi woofer...

I also recall a Monitor Audio prototype that struck me as really innovative. 

What else has stuck in your mind longer than ten minutes this year?


Who had a brief moment to speak yesterday and mentioned Curl is working on some things for them ( Parasound )….

Salk retiring. 

Also that 2024 could be alot tougher than 2023 so we'll see how that affects this hobby, pricing and brands, not to mention everything else.