What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(

The heading says it all!! What do you guys think is the reason that the sales in the used high end market have gone soft??
Prices too high? Economy too slow?? Stock market too volatile?? Something else??

How can we determine a fair price?
A fair price is what a willing buyer will pay to a willing seller.
I've noticed very high prices for quality used gear on Ebay.   My Nakamichi 7A cassette deck I purchased for $700 in 1990 is now $1,500 to $5,900 averaging $2,500 (more than new), my Marantz 7T pre-amp I purchased for $150 in 1995 is now $1,200 to $3,000 with several in the mid-$2,000s, my Mac MC30s which I was given in 2000 are now $1000-$2000, my SME IV which I paid $1100 in 1989 is now $4,700 NEW (and being used on the latest SME turntable).   

So, some high end older audio gear has vastly appreciated in the current market.  I think speakers have dropped the most unless they are Tannoys or Altecs from the 50's and 60's.  My Legacy Focus speakers sold today for $12,000 are not the same as my 25 year old pair which now resell for only $2200-$2500 (a bargain).   

If I replace my speakers, I'm looking at $50-60K for Einsteins, Luminwhites or Von Schweikert VR55Ks.  That's high end dollars.
This is a really interesting thread as the same discussion has been around for a number of years in South Africa mainly because of our weak currency. $1 costs us +- R13.50. When you consider that R1 used to cost us .75 US cents (+- 50 years ago) things have got out of hand. So HEA is very expensive here. Having said this we have not a bad variety of HEA to chose from. So I have what i consider not to bad a system. Sonus Faber Amati futura Mcintosh 601power amps ML 523 pre amp Dcs Puccini etc. So 2 weekends ago i got to hear the Kii3's. These were one of the first 2 sets that arrived in South Africa. In my opinion, if I did not have what i have i would be entirely happy to purchase this system. Incredible dynamic  range very open and detailed. Voices and acoustics amazing and at about a 1/5th of what my system cost. Could this be the way of the future for HEA. High end streaming plus the option of integrating you existing system. Sure to appeal to a large spectrum of Audiophiles and budding audiophiles out there. And the BXT base add ons were launched also 2 weeks ago as well. This is my opinion. What do you think?
The high end market is doing better than ever. Ordinary bits of wire for multiple $1000s. Fuses for $150 ($149 profit to the seller) and you can buy contact paste that is 100,000 times more expensive than toothpaste!

Profits have never ever been higher!
Used cables used to be easy to sell at a 50% discount.  Now it is more like 75 percent just to get an even lower bid.  In addition, most of the sales for me come from Asia.  You send it to an address in California.  They forward it to the buyer in Asia.  It probably gets resold in the Asian