What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html

OK, here’s one everybody can get behind. The Von Schweikert Audio MasterBuilt Ultra speaker internal wiring upgrade, prices $15,000 to $37,500. No, I’m not hot dogging you. 🌭


  • The Gate - a $5K piece of hardware that fails to deliver on its promise to access "other realms and dimensions"!!! Touted and beloved by a certain NW Agoner!

  • Power cords. No question there. If you think a fancy power cord will make the difference, when the remainder of your house wiring is barely equal to a cheap power cord, you are deluding yourself.

  • Anyway, back to the subject in hand, how about audiophile fuses? Reports of some being sold at £130 a pop reveal the depths that some will sink to.

Unlike a few others posting in this thread, I will not comment on anything I haven't tried in my own system. 

"The Von Schweikert Audio MasterBuilt Ultra speaker internal wiring upgrade, prices $15,000 to $37,500."
Are they controlled for directionality? Not a word about it. Otherwise, certainly in the running for the most overpriced tweak on the market.
Pop Quiz. Win a free prize! 🤗

There are four obvious technical errors in the following paragraphs from the Von Schweikert technical description of the MasterBuilt Ultra Speaker Wire. Grammatical errors don’t count. Get all four right and win a prize.

a) Impurities in the metal conductor which; along with crystalline barriers, result in rough and grainy high frequencies. This is caused by collision of the electrons carrying the musical signal with the impurities and crystalline barriers inherent in any extruded metal. MB’s solution is to use the purest, Laboratory-grade cast copper, with 99.9999% of the impurities removed.

b) Dielectric absorption of the high frequency component of the music signal by the insulation material creates a non-linear response. Since most elements have “free radical” electrons in their atomic makeup, the musical signal will be affected when the electrons collide with the dielectric’s “free radical” electrons.

c) Arcing (signal path distortion caused by “stranded wire bundling”) occurs when the signal electrons attempt to jump from strand to strand. The resulting distortion sounds like the crackling when you connect jumper cables from one car battery to another and creates a “bright” and “hard” sound quality.

e) Hysteresis (magnetic field interaction) is caused when the positive and negative conductors are placed in close proximity. As you may remember from high school physics, recordings of music consist of alternating currents that alternate from positive to negative as the musical notes go through their 360-degree cycles. As the electron signal flows through the wire, they generate a magnetic field if the positive and negative conductors are in close proximity.

Thank Geoffkait for the flying saucers for windows.... that makes a better soundstage for my speakers....It is audible and easy to install... I enjoy it now...My best to you...