DON'T DIVORCE a song from the perspective of a child https://youtu.be/FFbSR5OLcQs
My answer will depend upon the mood I'm in when asked. . . 
. . . and, furthermore, there are many ways of being "moved". 

I have to assume that the guy in the car next to me in bumper-to-bumper freeay traffic who's got all the windows rolled down and a high-wattage system detonating a single bass note over and over and over is feeling "moved" just as I'm feeling "moved" to wish that a dump-track bust through a guard-rail on the over-pass above us and squash him. 

 Some people may be most "moved" by music that affects them, physically (like the guy in my example, above) while others may be most moved in a more intellectual manner admiring the complex harmonic structures of Classical music or Bebop while still others may relate most of all to the intensity of emotion of a Mariachi, Flamenco or Blues tune. . . 

At a funeral a few years ago, a retired insurance agent sang Israel’s version of ‘Somewhere/What a wonderful world’ accompanied by his son on guitar. A dark and somber day seemed more survivable. For me, though, ‘I Surrender’ by David Sylvian expresses every nuance of this emotion.