B&W800's. .. I have the FPB300/KRC-HR driving them. These are the original 800's not the N version. They were actually designed for just your reason. The 801's were not capable of producing the sound pressure levels needed.
The 800's will easily produce 120db at 3 meters!
I listen to primarily classical and feel that they are the most realisticly sounding speaker ever made (especially when one actively bi-amps them).
Also, FYI: The Krells will be greatly improved by using the Pure Note Sigma power cords. (www.purenote.com)
The 800's will easily produce 120db at 3 meters!
I listen to primarily classical and feel that they are the most realisticly sounding speaker ever made (especially when one actively bi-amps them).
Also, FYI: The Krells will be greatly improved by using the Pure Note Sigma power cords. (www.purenote.com)