what speakers to buy

so this is my 1st time posting. the question is what speakers. i am going into this blind trying to put together a decent system on a budget. i live in a city where bose is considered the high end of high end and the nearest audiophile shops are hours away.
over the years i have owned a lot of vintage gear and still collect some of it. solid state and tube. some of the tube gear was marantz, macintosh, dynaco, heathkit, radio craftsmen, pilot etc. also the usual solid state marantz, pioneer, kenwood, adcom. speakers jbl, polk, altec (model 19 and vott), paradigm, klipsch, bozak, sansui, AR, advent. all the usual suspects
so far i have purchased a copland tube pre cta-305 and a pair of rogue audio m180 amps. all mint condition all under a year old for under half price of new. i also have a denon DP-60L TT 
(with sumiko pearl cartridge)
speaker budget is around 5000 give or take a 1000. if i'm patient i think i can find something that was originally in the 12-20k price range for what i want to spend.
so far i am leaning towards ew andra ii, dali euphonia 800, canton reference 3.2, revel studio ii. size is also a factor and all of these are within that limit.
i have a fairly large area open concept living /dinning and breakfast nook with high ceilings.
and i know "dont buy without listening" but not an option
so looking for some opinions/options

after speakers i will be getting tuner, cd and music server, current interconnects and speaker wire are all ZU mission

so looks like i agreed to buy a pair of legacy signature se speakers. going to pick them up next friday. think these will fit the bill. guess next weekend i will post my impressions and whether i feel i did ok or not. i'm pretty stoked about it. thanks everyone for all the great suggestions
so looks like i agreed to buy a pair of legacy signature se speakers. going to pick them up next friday. think these will fit the bill. guess next weekend i will post my impressions and whether i feel i did ok or not. i'm pretty stoked about it. thanks everyone for all the great suggestions

Very nice! Best of luck with them.
Dragonbutx, Well played ! FYI , Morrow Audio carries Legecy . I have some of their interconnects and love them . If you decide to audition new cables , call Mike and have a discussion. When I purchased mine , I was given 1/2 off and received 13 days of Break In. They take about 500 hours to mature , but WOW , are they good . My tube amp is off for repairs so I'm running SS. The cables are an improvement there also . But on my tube stereo WOW! He has a Trial Period , with Returns . PS , please post your impressions of the Legacy's and list your tube compliant. Respectfully, Mike B. 
save a bit more, or wait a bit more, whatever, until you can afford to get the XTZ Alpha, and own speakers worth over $25k for sound quality. you dont even have to thank me later!!
I like to have a budget but not target speakers in the audio-jewelry category. Marketing and spec analysis only get you so far. I am also not a huge complex crossover network guy.

Take a look at the following as some other off-the-radar options. Your amp pairing is very important here but here are some good options to check out. Email Steve @ Decware, Louis @ Omega, and Spatial to start a dialogue.

 - Decware HR-1 (http://www.decware.com/newsite/HR1.html)
 - Vandersteen 3A Signature (http://vandersteen.com/products/model-3a-signature)
 - Vandersteen Treo CT (http://vandersteen.com/products/treo-ct)
 - Spatial Audio M3 Trioda Master (http://www.spatialaudio.us/m3-triode-master)
 - Omega Super Alnico High Output XRS (https://omegaloudspeakers.com/collections/tower-speakers/products/super-alnico-high-output?variant=3...)

Sorry I saw this post just now. The Wavetouch Anteros are the best speakers I've ever had in my system at 1/2 the price I've spent on previous. At $2800 and a 40 day money back satisfaction guarantee you can't go wrong... They are incredible. 

You can get much done within your budget.  Focal is a very safe route to go to ensure quality. Your Amplifiers should easily power most Loudspeakers on the market including Magnepan.  Decision will be dependent on your taste of presentation.  

In a live event - the presentation will be different from venue to venue; and if live is your standard you must find those Loudspeakers that come as close as possible to matching that presentation.  

It will be well worth the drive within reason to audition different brands.
so i picked up a pair of legacy signature se that are about 3 years old that were updated several months ago with the latest midrange and crossover upgrade. mint condition in the premium rosewood finish. since i havent heard any of the other speakers that have been suggested i cant say how these compare to any of them. but my impression of these is very positive so far. i find i cant stop listening. good deep bass, very clean and detailed treble, the midrange is also clear and not overpowering which is exactly what i wanted. they seem to be well balanced. imaging is good with voices dead center. sound stage depth seems a bit lacking but still working a little with positioning and i feel pretty sure some of this is my room and where the speakers have to sit. overall i am pretty happy. 
Nice! Congrats on the acquisition! Looking forward to some long-term impressions.

i have been living with the legacy signature se speakers for 6 months now. overall i am very happy with them. sometimes i am listening to something and find myself just sitting here listening in amazement at how good they sound. all of my initial impressions still hold true. great bass, sound stage, imaging, detailed highs, smooth natural midrange. i am sure there is better out there but i dont know that i could be happier. i think for the price i paid it would hard to do better. thanks everyone for their advice.
Good for you. It is you system, your money and most of all, your ears. If you are happy,  that's what matters the most.
Better options? Heck, yeah. But be ready to spend $$$$. Have fun and enjoy your music. 
You seem to be well satisfied with your Legacy Speakers and after 6 months you still have them.
I almost purchased a pair myself at the beginning of the yr,but one of my dream speakers that I’ve been looking for used came available and I couldn’t resist.

kdude66 what were your dream speakers? always like to know what other people like. did they live up to your expectations?
I was able to buy a demo pair of Lawrence Audio Double Bass Speakers from a dealer that I know for a great price.They have the dark rosewood finish which is gorgeous but I generally like solid black if possible.The sound is just wonderful better in my system than anything I’ve owned in my 40 yrs in this hobby.

I also have a really nice pair of Silverline Audio Bolero supremes that are really nice also.I want to have purchased 3 nice sets of speakers before I retire that I can rotate around every few months,so I’m presently looking for the 3rd,going to have to be something unique and different than what I have already but also something not to big and heavy that I can move myself.

I have heard the Legacy Aerius,a local friend has them,and I recently talked to Bill owner of Legacy about them but they are to big for my room and just to heavy,they are really nice sounding though and are just a work of art in appearance and construction.


Go to a show like Axpona.
The trip is worth the time & money

Then; you'll have so many more speaker options to consider......
Then; It will be so much harder to decide.... Lol

You are asking a tough question
Try some Volti horns.......eye opening

Legacy are great speakers 
Revel are great
B&W are great
Thiel are great 

all require good electronics or sound shrill & fatiguing
good electronics are a must & you appear to have good stuff

Good Luck, I've been listening for 5 years and still can't make up my mind


I replaced Magnepan 3.5Rs with a pair of Emerald Physics KCIIs,. They totally trounced the 3.5Rs and ae super efficient. I upgraded mine from factory with wireWorld OCC internal wiring. You will be hard pressed to match their sound with $5K ++ speakers
This is an old thread, but noted: I have Revel Performa3 F208's with Bluejean cables biwired and on CJ tube and SS equipment. The placement in my room is critical, but not complicated. These are very good speakers for Jazz, vocals, and rock as well. 
Here is a track without a subwoofer, so you can compare high and medium frequencies -https://youtu.be/ltHYSAZHbHE

The absolute BOMB. You jazz afficionados, really need to hear this track.
Life you never ever heard it begore.
This is the best sound i’ve ever heard from the contless times we ’ve all heard this on countless other speakers, But here is
~~The Real Deal~~

Wide band rules.

OK I was wrong about AER  not being mentioned here on audiogon back in 2010. 
Still  these wide band continue to get neglected. 
Why, I have no  idea, not even a clue...
vector330994 posts09-30-2017 5:35amHello! Six months ago I bought AER JAZZ & SUB.It is necessary to take just two subwoofers for a large premise. Today the best speakers are Acuton and AER! With this system you will get the best high and medium frequencies, the bass will be in harmony with the AER BD speakers.

Have to take out ~~Aucton~~ as they are nothing more than your regular xover types.
Along with AER I'd place Voxativ.  as todays best speakers.