What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?

Wondering what are the top 1-3 new pieces of gear audiogoners added in 2024 that made the biggest difference in your music listening enjoyment.

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Started the year with

Benchmark AHB2 amp, DAC3 and HPA4 Pre. 
ATC SCM11 Speakers and Blue Jeans Cables using my MacBook as a streamer.

Ended the year with

Accuphase P4600 amp, MSB Discrete DAC (using it as a Pre as well), Aurender N20 Streamer and Harbeth C7ES-XD speakers and all DH Lab cables. Also a Shunyata Gemini 8 Power Conditioner. 

So complete turnover. Results wonderful. Enjoying it every day with no inclination to change anything. 



KORG DSD 10R for FINALLY completing my LP, Cassette, and Reel to Reel archiving project...

(I hope)

The main two were: Antipodes K21 streamer/server and Innuos Phoenix USB.

Then ASUS RT-AX86U Pro router and Stack Audio SmoothLan

Got the MSB Digital Director for my Premeir DAC. Great unit. Really glad I got it.