Good Luck with that one!
I did similar a while back, but I didn't catalog them in Discogs :~(
Ended up culling hundreds of LPs due to the effort. Got my collection down to a reasonable size that fit into one IKEA Kallax 4X2 cubbie rack, about 800 records. Unfortunately, or, fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the collection grew again, to about 1000 LPs, and no longer fits in my record rack.
Good Luck with that one!
I did similar a while back, but I didn't catalog them in Discogs :~(
Ended up culling hundreds of LPs due to the effort. Got my collection down to a reasonable size that fit into one IKEA Kallax 4X2 cubbie rack, about 800 records. Unfortunately, or, fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the collection grew again, to about 1000 LPs, and no longer fits in my record rack.