May not have the "soul" which is audiotory and aesthetic.The needle in groove being so sexual in it imagery may be the aesthetic part.Plus it's making sourse of enjoyment "mortal"(it will wear out).But perhaps that our ears beiong analogue "instruments" are picking up that digital is foreign and LP's "warm" and re-aauring like tubes.Have to get to this months Stereophile to see if their is such a thing a "pleasant distortion" which many folks have saiud is why tubes sound beter-we hear low order )pleasing warmth) as opposed to higher order distortion which is well unpleasant and just "distortion".But I now ask same question of new digital amps by Bel Cantgo and PS Audio.Both got Class A ratings in steeophile.And digital amps offer real advatages over traditional solid state and tube amps.They use very little power,keep cool,,etc.But reviewers are always using words like "clean","Neutral","does not impart own signature" and I am not sure that this might all be good.Some may hear it and dig it.Other will invrariably call it either "soulless".Lifeless"."boring" etc .You have to hear yourslef )preferably in your room 50% of your rigs sound anyway) to se where you stand.