When is digital going to get the soul of music?

I have to ask this(actually, I thought I mentioned this in another thread.). It's been at least 25 years of digital. The equivalent in vinyl is 1975. I am currently listening to a pre-1975 album. It conveys the soul of music. Although digital may be more detailed, and even gives more detail than analog does(in a way), when will it convey the soul of music. This has escaped digital, as far as I can tell.
May not have the "soul" which is audiotory and aesthetic.The needle in groove being so sexual in it imagery may be the aesthetic part.Plus it's making sourse of enjoyment "mortal"(it will wear out).But perhaps that our ears beiong analogue "instruments" are picking up that digital is foreign and LP's "warm" and re-aauring like tubes.Have to get to this months Stereophile to see if their is such a thing a "pleasant distortion" which many folks have saiud is why tubes sound beter-we hear low order )pleasing warmth) as opposed to higher order distortion which is well unpleasant and just "distortion".But I now ask same question of new digital amps by Bel Cantgo and PS Audio.Both got Class A ratings in steeophile.And digital amps offer real advatages over traditional solid state and tube amps.They use very little power,keep cool,,etc.But reviewers are always using words like "clean","Neutral","does not impart own signature" and I am not sure that this might all be good.Some may hear it and dig it.Other will invrariably call it either "soulless".Lifeless"."boring" etc .You have to hear yourslef )preferably in your room 50% of your rigs sound anyway) to se where you stand.
Never thought the post would generate som mnay reponses especially ones dealling with fish.Just as aside when I sold CD's at a shop ('96 to '02)I used to tell folks that starting in about 2000 when K2 and other 20 bit processors were being used and engineers stated to understand how to transfer analogue tapes to CD they started to sound much better .Being the jazz guy II used to put on Fntasy/OJC CD's and they were terrible.But now listen to ones e-materedafter 2000 like say Knny Dorhams "Quiet Kenny" or Creedence Clearwaters Cd's which were also re-doone and your jaw would drop if doing an A/B comaparrison.
But part of the earely problem (which exists till this day) is that some Engineers can't help themselves from trying to be the "5th Beatle" aince they had ability to effect EQ,Compression,expansion,filtering etc etc.Which brought me to reccomend that to customers (and jazz fans) to see how good their stereo could sound by buying the Mappleshades label's "Clifford Jordan:Live At Ethells".Mapplehade used their own cables,modified mikes,and pople placed onstage close or far away to mikes for level.It went from mike straight to two track tape machine so no board with EQ,reveb,compression etc etc was employed.The result was like being in the room with the group.With a decent yet modest speaker you could hear fingers as they passed across key's and the normal breathing of Jordan while others slo'd if you listened carefully.Jordan playand on one cut sings funny yet heartfelt version of "Lush Life" an in addition to being impeccable performing was STUNNING sonics.
The only other recodings other than Mappleshades are those (and SOME MoFi and JVC RXRCD's) are those on the Venus lable out of Japan.It taught me that all those lousy early 80's digital LP's were because the tech back them sucked and engineers didn't know what they were doing.Venus now has a huge catalogue of some of the best in Jazz and also did a few wonderful transfers (Like Al Haig's "I Love You" origninally on Interplay in late 70's).I always heard that LP's should only be pressed from analoguetape.BULLSHIT!!Just
listen to one of the 4 Ballad CD's/Lp's Archie Shepp did for Venus like "True Blue" (both pressed from the same digital tape).BUY and listen to this LP.It's as good as any LP I have ever heard.This was the problem for me with Venus.The Lp's sounded so great and had that "tactile" sense you only get from Lp's but I knew (and could hear) that CD's had a much wider dynamic range.So in most cases I bought both!But the silly sounding processcalled "24 bit HyperMagnum Sound" was,and is amzing,proving to me that FANTASTIC LP's can be mae from digital source tape.I know Neil Young is a big analogue tape fan and uses it (or did until recently) to record his CD master tape.I respect him enomously as and artist and someone who knows technology but I wish he could record for Venus.
Any more Filet of Sole jokes did we miss?
Listen to Chazzbo. He has a lot to say, especially when it comes to jazz. I just want to mention something, but first, I want to appreciate what Tvad said about DVD-A releases from Classic records. Personally, I would stick to actual recordings recommended by people. In this vein, I totally recommend the Jerry Garcia Band "After Midnight" cd. Take a look at the price of ticket, when you get it. I would like some feedback on this cd. I don't believe I've steered you wrong. What is this hobby about?
I have been drinking(for those ad hominum people-actually that's the only term that I remember from my Logic class- you can discount what I say immediately.). First, I want to mention the Las Vegas show-where analog was featured(according to both the "Absolute Sound" and "Stereophile"). When setting up an analog system, you use objective parameters(such as, levels and recommended tracking forces, etc.). This gives you a goal. I am actually using digital to dial in my speaker's(DCM Time Windows) distance from the wall(Thank you Alex of APL Hi-Fi for your modified Denon 3910(Class C according to Stereophile, before Alex does his magic.). Then you use your ears(with analog, it's no problem). For instance, with 3 feet or 3 springs, they are audible. So is the arm-cable tie-off. I'de err on the side of conservatism(Gemini's don't touch that dial.). You get suprised what does what, no matter what your preconceived notions are. The youngsters out there have actual short-term memory. I suggest you use it. Don't try to use things to make up for deficiencies in the playback mechanism. See what does what, by experimentation. Confusion is confusion. I'de suggest that you don't do anything until it is no longer confusion.
I forgot to mention the criteria used to evaluate music. It is how much you get off on it(I have other ideas, such as what plays through your head. but these are experimental.).