where did all the ceramic cones go to?

Recently I consolidated my Audio Refinement (YBA designed) separates down to a brand new Atoll IN200 evo (latest model) integrated amp.  The feet on the AR gear are nicely designed with each having 3 feet with a white silicone like cone insert.  I also found that I have 6 of the optional while YBA ceramic upgraded feet (as a FYI, these YBA and my AR separates are now available if anyone is interested).

The new Atoll does a lot of things very nicely.  One of the downsides is its very basic feet.  While I was digging through my audio drawer I found 3 basic ceramic cone feet (very similar to these but not as tall and not threaded: https://www.canuckaudiomart.com/details/650099303-black-diamond-racing-bdr-cones-pucks-amp-lm-discs/images/5065453/).  They work great with 3 black stainless metal pucks.  After doing some searches to see what other options I had, I found basically nothing comparted to 20 years ago when there seemed to be many more options.  What happened?



Folks discovered that decoupling with springs was better than coupling with points.

I have a wide variety of isolation devices, still have BDR cones, pretty much obsolete for me. Assume others have also found better solutions.