Where did you buy your first audio gear?

I bought my first audio gear in a Post Exchange PX store in Baumholder Germany. I was a young soldier about 20 yrs old and bought a SAE amp and Preamp, Bose 901 speakers, Sony CDP-101 CD player and a Thorens TD 320 turntable. Where did you buy your first audio gear? What did you get?

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I bought my first audio gear from the Base Exchange in Okinawa where I was stationed while in the Air Force. 

Pacific Stereo, Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, ca. Early 1970’s. Kenwood or Pioneer ??receiver, speakers?, turntable?. Was stolen from my North Oakland apartment a couple of years later. Moved on to Harmon Kardon, Yamaha, Klipsch ……etc, etc.

Noticed in the thread, quite a few systems purchased overseas by vets. I would like to thank all of you for your service. Klipsch La Scalas in 1985 and I still use them today albeit modded to the hilt with Soundcraftsmen amp and preamp. Purchased all in Omaha Nebraska.

A small shop in Canandaigua NY, 1985. I would go in and drool over all of this cool equipment knowing I would not likely be able to afford any of it. I got to know the owner very well and built a great relationship with him. The shop was open for about two years and one day he told me he was going out of business and had the deal of a lifetime for me. He offered a B&K pre- and power amp, Denon CD player, NAD 6300 monitor series cassette deck, Mirage M760 speakers, interconnects, and speaker cables for a ridiculous low price. We set it all up and listened to a few CDs I owned and in an hour I was writing the check. Though I have move4d up the ladder so to speak I still own all of that equipment. Save for the Mirage speakers it all resides at a friend's house. I still use the Mirage but my friend matched the rest of the equipment with some nice old Klipsch speakers he got from his brother and he loves the setup.