Where did you buy your first audio gear?

I bought my first audio gear in a Post Exchange PX store in Baumholder Germany. I was a young soldier about 20 yrs old and bought a SAE amp and Preamp, Bose 901 speakers, Sony CDP-101 CD player and a Thorens TD 320 turntable. Where did you buy your first audio gear? What did you get?

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Noticed in the thread, quite a few systems purchased overseas by vets. I would like to thank all of you for your service. Klipsch La Scalas in 1985 and I still use them today albeit modded to the hilt with Soundcraftsmen amp and preamp. Purchased all in Omaha Nebraska.

A small shop in Canandaigua NY, 1985. I would go in and drool over all of this cool equipment knowing I would not likely be able to afford any of it. I got to know the owner very well and built a great relationship with him. The shop was open for about two years and one day he told me he was going out of business and had the deal of a lifetime for me. He offered a B&K pre- and power amp, Denon CD player, NAD 6300 monitor series cassette deck, Mirage M760 speakers, interconnects, and speaker cables for a ridiculous low price. We set it all up and listened to a few CDs I owned and in an hour I was writing the check. Though I have move4d up the ladder so to speak I still own all of that equipment. Save for the Mirage speakers it all resides at a friend's house. I still use the Mirage but my friend matched the rest of the equipment with some nice old Klipsch speakers he got from his brother and he loves the setup. 

Leo's Stereo, Newport Beach, CA circa 1975. An all-Pioneer quad system. The "upgrading" began less than two weeks later...  

Kenwood KA-6000 integrated amp, KT-7000 tuner, AR-XA turntable with a demo Ortofon SL15T cartridge and a pair of AR-4X speakers purchased from Rosner Custom Sound, Flushing, NY.  That was around 1967.  Later added a demo Revox G-36 RTR.  I have photos of just about every system I've owned, but sadly not this one, although I do have photos of that G-36 as i kept it long after I upgraded all the other components.