Where do you go after a BlueSound Node 2i?

Whats the next step after the Bluesound Node 2i?  I love the interface with the Bluesound so I don’t want to go backwards on that and I do use the bluetooth option sometimes to stream soundcloud, which sounds really quite good.  My main service is Amazon HD music.

So, what next?  Schiit Gungir Multibit or Cambridge Audio Azur 851N or ...?

Thanks for your help! I know this has probably been discussed before but I couldn’t find the threads!


Best Regards,
Of Logitech Media Server, Volumio and BluOs I like the BluNode the least. The persistent queue is a pain and it has trouble with genres. Even random play is the worst of the 3. There's that. The SQ is mostly dependant on the qualities of the DAC. Find one you like.
I added a Schiit Gungir Multibit last fall and it’s a nice dac very smooth through out only thing I’d say it’s lacking is it’s a little lean sounding. Other then that  it’s clean and fluid sounding.  
@b_limo i I have the nodi 2i with a gungnir MB. Use a blackcat silverstar cable BNC for the connection. It has an adapter for the the node2i coax out. Also get a better power cord for the node2i. It’s great 
Well, you already made a purchase, but for any others in a similar position... I’d point them to start with Chord Mojo. I know, not 100% ideal for desktop setup, but $-for-$, man what a great sound. And will let you know if a used 2qute or new qutest are a sound you’d like down the line. AND a great option if you want to dip your toes into headphones/IEMs for traveling.

But in the end, take all advice here as a far distant 2nd to your own ears and preferences. No shortcuts to happiness beyond figuring out what that means for you, within a certain budget envelope.