Where do you put your money?

I got thinking it would be nice to see how audiogoners prioritize their money when it comes to their system. Not in dollars, but in percentages.

Mine goes something like this:
- Room construction including acoustic treatments: 43%
- Music: 33%
- Audio equipment: 24%

I realize this is a site that exists to sell equipment so the emphasis is on that but I am curious to know you better.
System only-
Speakers: 40%, 
Integrated amp 20%
Turntable/cartridge 20%
CD/SACD player 20%
Power conditioner 10%
Fancy wires and other accessories 10%

That adds up to 120 %,  showing approximately how much over budget I ended up going.
Records and CD's: That budget is ongoing, has no upper limit (to infinity and beyond) other than available cash after monthly expenses
Room treatment: 0% (saved a bunch there as the room acoustics are pretty good as is) The listening room was designed into the original house construction budget thirty years ago.so it's hard to say. 

Room treatment 99.85%
Transistor radio 0.15%
Music 0%

The radio sounds great in the new room.

Just pointing out that OP's split is extreme.
This is not so simple as it has evolved over my life time. Just looking at media for the music the journey never ends what was 90% in my 20’s is now 5% in my late 50’s but added up would still hold 35%. Equipment over last two years is 100% as I have up graded everything as my income has allowed for it. Room treatment is more than I had wanted but had to make it presentable to keep wife some what happy. I think another way to address this would be what percent of your annual income does your system represent and how much is spent toward the hobby annually in pursuit of nirvana.

Looks like you have your room to a point to just get speakers in their optimum position. Good job.
IMO, more significant than any aftermarket tweaks, fancy cables or other audiopoolery.

Also nice to see someone else using a VPI Classic, mine is 10 years old. Not the best or the worst, it just plays a record so you can enjoy the music. I too have my Gibson LP and Fender DRRI in my room ready to jam at a moments notice  with Jimi or Jimmy.

I have a bad habit of playing armchair speaker placement guy-the speakers look like they could stand to be pushed into the room more. I’d get those 5-6 out and get the subs in corners.

Ignore my babble, it’s your room. I bet it sounds great.