Where has been your most effective placement for an aftermarket fuse?

Not looking for a debate with anybody on whether aftermarket fuses work or not, this thread is for those fortunate members with the hearing to know that they do indeed work.
I am very interested in your thoughts and opinions as to where they work the best, the biggest bang for your buck if you like.
For myself I am going to say it is in my Metrum Onyx DAC.
And not just my present DAC, all of my last 3 DAC,s showed a very nice easily audible improvement with an aftermarket fuse.
Next I would say is in my Gold Note phono stage and lastly in my BAT integrated amp.

So what or where would you say has been the most noticeable piece of equipment that has benefited from a fuse change in your system?
So back to the subject matter.

My first experience with aftermarket fuses.

About 5 years ago I bought my first external dac, Exogal Comet Plus.
It so happened a long standing member had exactly same DAC.
He had just upgraded from SR black to SR blue fuse and offered to send me the SR black to try out and see what I thought.
Well nothing to lose so I did,I fitted it and sat back and..... nothing...maybe less than nothing.
I reported this back and his response was did I try flipping it for direction.
Say freaking what now??
But he was deadly serious so WTH, why not.
Sat back and slowly a big smile crept across my face as I could hear improvement in every area.
My first introduction to aftermarket fuse veracity and directionality all in one fell swoop.
My deep scepticism was washed away in minutes.
And that is the area I have found after maybe 4 more DAC to still have the most noticeable impact.
To my ears.
In my system.
In my scenarios, fuse upgrades almost always made more improvement/change in the sound when placed in a preamp / source device.  In amplifiers, fuse upgrade still makes an improvement, but the amount of difference is not as much as a fuse upgrade in preamp / source.
Try wrapping PTFE around the glass part of a normal fuse. Ensure it doesn’t touch the metal endcaps. I have found a significant improvement in blackness and image solidity at no cost. Phono amp then amps.
DAC was the biggest improvement, followed by the preamp, then the transport. Like auxinput, the improvement in the power amps was less than the rest. Still haven't tried the VPI ADS.  
Good suggestion no romance, I think much of the improvements with fuse upgrades comes from improved dampening of the aftermarket fuses.

For me in the UK biggest bang for buck was in the plug for my Isotek sigmas power conditioner as this cascaded to 6 sockets in my system.

Then it was my TDAI3400 power DAC. Then my Ethernet switch (etherregen) power supply.

I’ve tried SR blues and then went orange.

Least bang for buck was my subwoofer (REL stentor iii)