Where’s My Weakest Link?

Hi All,

I often find myself wondering where to put resources (money) to take my system to the next level. Over the years I have slowly acquired equipment and sometimes I am impressed with the “upgrade”, others I am disappointed with the change/cost ratio. I recently purchased Jim Smiths book, Get Better Sound and was blown away with the changes I was able to make with what I have but I am now back at crossroads of , whats next?

I am running a Bluesound Node 2i> Carver C-16 pre> Conrad Johnson Sonographe SA250> Thiel 1.2.

So what do you think the weakest link is / whats the smartest upgrade?

Thanks in advance!

Showing 2 responses by big_greg

I don’t get it, someone kindly asks for advice and is besieged with scolding lectures.
Some people just can't help themselves. 

In one post they'll berate others for hiding behind their screens and not acting in a way that they would in person.  In the next post they'll hide behind their screen and berate someone who is asking for help by telling them how dumb their question is while proclaiming how smart they are and how great their system is. 

Put simply, it's a lack of self esteem and insecurity.  People who suffer in this way look for things outside themselves to prop up their fragile egos.  Unfortunately it doesn't work, but that doesn't stop them from shouting "Look at me!  I'm the smartest/greatest and have the bestest toys!".  It's sad and pathetic.

Sorry about the rant, but it does get tiresome to see people asking for help only to get slammed.

I'm not familiar with all your gear but know CJ makes good stuff.  Your source is probably the weak link.  What do you think? 

If you suspect that it is, adding an external DAC will help a little, replacing it with something better will help more.  I replaced Node 2 with a TEAC NT-505 which sounds much more "natural" (less digital, much bigger soundstage).  I had an Auralic Vega connected to the Node 2 and that sounded better than the Node 2 using its internal DAC.  The NT-505 was a significant and noticeable upgrade over the Node 2/Vega combo.  I was also considering a Lumin D2, but got a good deal on the TEAC and am happy I did.