Which amp would you go with

Ok the room is 13 ft wide.  Listening area is 10ft from speakers 2 ch system. The floorstanders I will be running are Tannoy XT6F.  The source is Oppo 105 as preamp.  Pretty simple setup.  The only thing not purchased yet is Amp and/or sub (if needed).  Around $1000 give or take is the budget. The short list in order of preference is.

https://www.arcam.co.uk/products,HDA,Integrated-Amplifier,SA20.htmI think this will pair best with the Tannoys and Oppo
https://www.rega.co.uk/elex-r.htmlI think this is probably the most regarded on the list.  Most expensive too

https://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=VISV500Great reviews, but Im a bit skeptical and would need some persuading from someone who owns this.

and the fallback option


I would save up your money for a few years and wait.  $1,000 certainly will not buy you much.  
I would save up your money for a few years and wait.  $1,000 certainly will not buy you much.  
Among those choices, for sure, Arcam. Love their amp signature, closest I've heard to Ayre.


mesch said it best

If I were in your position, preferred Brit and didn't want to overspend moving "up the ladder", I'd jump on the Creek M2si from Upscale. If there is a better value I am ignorant.
If you have floor space a coupla Dayton SUB-1000s, stategically placed would get your room pretty flat to 30Hz. Either with mucho work or DSP. You are down 6dB @38Hz now. There is a lot of music down there.
Add a pair of Morrow cables and you are hitting your $1000.
Good luck.
I gotta enjoy blooming bliss now. After 45 years of trying I've hit Nirvana with my "~$5000 plus a FPGA" system. You CAN get there from here.

Or you can go way over budget for features you don't need.
Given that every music track has an optimum listening volume level, the M2si will push those Tannoys past it every time.