Which attenuators do I want to use?

I was using a set of Rothwell RCA 10dB in line attenuators between my Jolida CDP and my Classe DR-5 preamp. One broke. My interconnects are Virtual Dynamics Davids which are a bit heavy. I'm now looking at other options. Thought about a set of Rothwell XLR 10dB attenuators to put between the preamp and amp for attenuation of all signals to the Pass Labs X-250 amplifier. Then there's another option I found poking around online, which is a set of 10dB XLR balanced line level fixed audio attenuators from Rackmount-Devices.com. These go for half the cost of the Rothwells, but I don't know what quality they are.
I found that when I was using the CDP with the Rothwells, I could only turn the volume up to about 8:30-9:00 position. Any more and it got a bit loud. Would a set of 20dB attenuators get my volume control up into the 10:00-12:00 position where I can get the best performance out of my preamp? A set of 20dBs from Rackmount costs the same as a set of 10dBs, I believe.
I don't want to spend hundreds. Just had my hearing tested, and, again, there is a small loss. I'm 52 years old. I figure I'll be able to remove the attenuators as my hearing gets worse. I think I'll have to get my wife some earplugs when this time rolls around.
Thanks in advance for any and all input.
I own a Classe DR-6R and I put a voltage divider in mine with a new Gold Point Attenuator and I love it. If you can solder I will send you some information on putting in a voltage divider or you can look it up online. It is just 2 top resistors of a certain value to get the dB change you want. I wanted a little more control over the volume. I am not a fan of outside attenuation but that might be the easiest, but they can change the sound in a big way.
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Received the Channel Islands VPC 3 passive controller today. Put it between the CDP and preamp with excellent results. Attenuates the signal so I can use my preamp volume control with better precision. The unit disappears. I don't even know it's there.
Their manual is in error as well.

I'm waiting for delivery of the CI passive controller which should work nicely between the CDP and preamp. It's been rough listening without attenuation. Three steps on the volume control is too loud for my wife, two steps is too low for me.
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After talking with John at NHT, they sent a return authorization number for a refund. Nice folks to deal with.

Will be trying something else in the near future.
The CD player has a 47K ohm output impedance. I thought about using it for the CD player, but as you stated, there will be a mis-match, plus, it has XLR jacks, which will not work. RCA's there.

I'm still waiting for a reply from NHT.

In the meantime, I'm still searching for something work with the CD player that will attenuate around 20dB. I've given up on finding something that will work between the amp/pre. Like you said, my best bet there would be to get a different pre with less gain. That is not an option at this point in time, so I'll look for something like I was using earlier, like the Rothwells. If I can attenuate the CD player, I'll be happy.
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My preamp is a Classe DR-5. The manual doesn't state the output impedance. As far as the return policy, I'm waiting for Monday to communicate back with them. As far as your offer to purchase it, I thank you for that, but don't feel you need to, or the responsibility for me making the purchase. It was my doing. There were other things I was looking at, but didn't fully investigate before I leaped. My bad.
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Bought the NHT PVC Pro, put it between the amp and preamp, and it attenuated the way it should, the way I want it to...but...now the music sounds compressed. The highs have faded, sound muffled, and the bottom end is now more pronounced.

Emailed NHT asking why. Their reply was to say that there may be an impedance problem, and possibly a gain mismatch because of where it is in the system. They also asked why it was placed between the amp and preamp. Said the PVC Pro uses very high quality Jensen transformers, and is passive, so zero ic's, etc. So any problem is a gain or potential impedance problem only.

Does this make sense? The unit is attenuating like it's supposed to. I know it's passive, but a gain or impedance problem should have no effect on the sound quality. The sound I'm hearing is like putting a new set of speaker wire into play. The last set of new cables I put in had the same effect, almost identical. Was wondering if it just needs time to work itself into the system like a new set of speaker wires.

What do you think?
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Was able to order a NHT PVC Pro online fron their website, so they must still be selling the inventory.
Photon46, I understand where you're coming from. I've been debating on whether keeping the whole system or just getting rid of it. I love it, but I find myself falling asleep often during listening sessions, or just thinking about alot of other things I could (should) be doing instead. I fall asleep because I work long hours. The cost really makes little difference in my decision, since the option Bob Reynolds posted looks to be the route I'll go. Just trying to save a few bucks. Thanks to you both.
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When you consider the cost of your fine system, why quibble over the $30 difference between Harrison & Rothwell Attenuators? Your speculation about use of attenuators and future hearing loss is off base in my opinion. First of all, most of us have age related hearing loss that's in the upper octave of musical frequencies. The rest of the frequency spectrum remains fairly equivalent to our younger years. A little loss across the board isn't go to result in a situation that will warrant removal of attenuators. Besides, if we have the financial resources, there's no reason not to get hearing aids to augment our hearing. My wife has some of the newest technology digital aids and is thrilled at how well they work for music.