Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???

I’m looking for a new amp & want Class D.

I’ve seen various brands mentioned, such as PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrel to name a few, but I’ve not heard any of them.

Which company is producing the best sounding Class D?
Which models should I be looking to demo?


Have enjoyed this thread. I’m narrowing my search between Bel Canto REF600m’s, and PSAudio M700’s. 

Currently own Bel Canto REF500s, driving Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grand SEs.

If anyone has experience with both the 600M and the M700, I would appreciate your impressions. Thanks.
guidocorona said..." I will post some observations about the darling Rowland M535 tomorrow... It won’t be the complete review, but I’ll try address some differences between M535 in stereo mode, and a bridged pair..Saluti, Guido"

Hello Guido... Is the Rowland M535 review by any chance close to nearing completion yet?


If anyone has experience with both the 600M and the M700

A buddy and I thought the BC 600M’s were the best we’ve heard Class-D we were very taken by them, but it was on a benign flat 6ohm impedance load Rahl ribbon 2way speaker, we heard it on something else and it didn’t do near as good. And it’s too expensive here in OZ over $7k a pair

My buddy then went OS and got to listen to the Technics SE-R1 "GaN based output Class-D with 1.5mHz switching frequency", he text while listening and said "this technology is the future forget the 600m’s".

Cheers George
After a lot of soul searching, yesterday I pulled the trigger on a RIc Schultz EVS 1200 (600wpc). His product page, does not yet reflect a number of newer mods
After much research,  I will be placing an order with apollon in 3 weeks.  My decision was left between apollon and nord, for various reasons I chose apollon.  I will be ordering the 8 ch 1200as2, believe its as4800 model. It will be awhile,  but I will report back with my findings. Hoping for the best.