Which cone's or platforms have helped?

I am curious which Cones or platforms you guys are using on your equipment that have given the best performance? Which products have you tested head to head? Which products were a big disapointment? I am currently looking at the mapleshade cones. I am already using a large maple base like they recommend. I am posting this under digital because I have been told that it can make the biggest difference on CD players.
I have tried a number of diffrent cones and pucks and my favorite so far is the Walker Valid Points.
Same as Tom (I am happy with Neuance shelving under the source gear).

I have used Neaunce for a year and half and other footers make my setup sound funky in comparison. Guess I am used to its sound, as well.

I have never tried roller bearings though. The closest thing to these (that I have tried) are little donuts, made of E.A.R. material, that have a ball bearing squeezed into the center (they don't R&R and are not the same as roller bearings).

Other footers/shelves have been: Maplshade cones (the cheap ones), DH cones, E.A.R. based footers (with/without the ball bearing), Vibrapods, hockey pucks, nail buffers (for light weight gear, under 5 lbs), suspension (hanging), MDF, Maple, Ikea Lack and Persimmon platforms.

I have also experiemented with top weighting, but did not care for the sound of this on any of my gear (with the exception of a few fly weight Bel Canto DAC's).

The Maplshade cone makes a nice record weight for my Thorens when inverted and blue tacked to a 45 rpm adapter.
I've gotten good results with Vibrapods all around, and also top weighting things like the CD player/Transport.
Hey Tennispro,

Here are some things that have given me the best performance:

Symposium shelves (particularly the Ultra shelf - wow!)
Silent Running Audio platforms
Newport Research Lab Tables
Aurios Pro MIBs
Symposium Rollerblocks
Black Diamond Racing Cones

Here's what I've compared head to head, in a somewhat systematic fashion:

Aurios MIB 1.2s v. Rollerblocks v. BDR cones v. Valid Points v. MGD points under digital front end; Rollerblocks v. Polycrystal cones under turntable; Townsend Seismic Sink v. Newport Lab Table v. Symposium shelves under various equipment.

Most disappointing footers I've tried:

MGD points, Vibrapods, and MIB 1.0s (more for the hassle as compared to the 1.2s, Pros, and Rollerblocks)
There are about a million different approaches - the "right" one is the one that works best in your own rig.
My present "digital stack":
one-box CDP on top - (no mass loading atop of it)
Orchard Bay titanium cones
Orchard Bay brass pucks
Black Diamond shelf (or Zoethecus Z-Slab shelf, both work pretty well, Z-Slab is less expensive)
rack shelf (itself an MDF composition)

Have also used Black Diamond #3 &/or #4 cones, and Audio Point brass cones in this sandwich. O.B. titanium's are amazingly better, but are not longer available. I'm gettting some titanium Nordost Pulsar Points & DH Labs ceramic cones to try next, but so far the above sandwich has worked best for me. YMMV