Which cost more: your system or your car?

Just curious.


BTW - I'm pretty sure that my system slots between my CTS and my wife's Cayenne.

I wouldn't say more pertinent, but maybe more interesting. My question ran to the application of disposable income among this crowd on traditional "big ticket" items (car) vs. this peculiar madness. Yours runs to a different set of prioities - music vs music toys. My question implies (or, at least, intended to imply) no value judgement (neither luxury car nor luxury system purchase is particularly "honorable"), your question sort of does invite a judgement - if you believe that the music is more important than the system (like I do), anyway.

To your point, I think that my music collection, like my system, probably falls between the price of my car and my wife's. It's a tougher calculation, though (too many small purchases) to state with confidence.
Hi Marty,

I think my use of "pertinent" was aimed at people actually listening to music on their systems rather than having it as status symbol, much like a Mercedez car on the drive.

I agree that the comparison between system cost and cost of record/CD collection is a more interesting topic.

Myself personally, my music collection (CD's) would be just behind the cost of the sytem, but if I cheated and added in the 1200 plus vinyl albums stored in the loft, then the whole music collection would cost twice that of the system.

It is all interesting stuff, we can then form our own opinions (which will be totally wrong) of the actions of others (based on their answers).

Best regards
