Which speakers... B&W 802D or Vandersteen 5A's?

I have a rather small room 12 x 25. My listening area is against the long wall about 9 feet away, and between both speakers (triangle). I live in a high rise so my walls are floor yo ceiling glass and sheetrock. i have the Rouge audio 180 monoblocks and the Rouge audio 90 pre amp. I have the paridigm S-8 speakers(6 years old without the brillium tweeter). I am wanting to upgrage the speakers to either the B&W 802 D's or the vandersteen 5A's... any thoughts? Also, with the equipment that i have should i be upgrading something else before upgrading the speakers?
Audiofeil is right, and having done what he recommends I perfer the Vandersteen 5As - a great value IMHO, and don't underestimate the flexibility bass tuning offers.
IMHO--this is not really a good comparison--though all are valid--the Vandersteens are better in virtually every area.
More neutral, better and more realistic bass response, imaging.

But then, again, just my humble opinion.

Good listening,
