If you check HT Shack Subwoofer test you will see data on the JL F113 - it is pretty impressive (although distortion is a wee bit high - and compression does become an issue - however it is amazingly good for such a small sub - appears to beat everything else that size)
I am in favor of a sealed box for a sub like the JL (and the Rel B-1 is ported - so I am not sure what that does to the impressive low group delay of older generation Rel's - as I have not seen any data on the B-1 so far)
I am in favor of a sealed box for a sub like the JL (and the Rel B-1 is ported - so I am not sure what that does to the impressive low group delay of older generation Rel's - as I have not seen any data on the B-1 so far)