Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??
I ask myself that question sometimes in an indirect way (I'm 23, the youngest so far i guess). I was born in Cleveland, Ohio and lived there about a year before moving to Eugene, Oregan for two years. Then lived in Wichita, Kansas for seven years. I then moved to Arlington, Texas and finished 6th through high school. I guess I got into hifi when I was 11 or 12 and decided I wanted one of those entry level fifty-watt recievers and saved my lawn mowing money (I also got into tropical fish at this time and got my first real job in a tropical fish store). My dad bought me the Cerwin-Vega speakers for my birthday. I saved up another hundred bucks and bought the matching JVC cd player later (they were the first of the titanium series). After Texas I moved to Missouri for college. During my third year I was sick of school (and Missouri) and so I dropped out an ran off to Leuven, Belgium to live with a friend who was going over to finish his degree. After traveling a bit of europe and getting lots of good sleep I ran back to the U.S. to finish my B.A. degree since I figured I needed that. I chose Sociology just because? And after many systems in between I own an all Van Alstine FET-Valve system with Biro speakers. Currently, in this immediate post graduate state I'm working as a Phlebotomist since I happened to pick up the job my second year of college from a friend and it pays ok and I get benefits. Right now I'm looking for some type of job in Italy through an international recruitment agency and if that fails I may move off to Chicago in five months to continue dancing ballet and find some interesting day job, or something else that may come along and grab me. That's all just where I've been and some of the things I've done; I consider myself a mutt to this day. Just a little bit of this and that, but nothing dominant. I remember doing stuff like this thread in certain art classes but in a different way.
My turn to 'fess up. I'm 39 and have been involved in audio since I was 12. I have three kids, girl age 6, girl age 8, and boy age 10. Cool kids, and they're following my footsteps and very much enjoy music. I own six stereos so I listen to music always, unless I'm golfing, playing hockey, or coaching my kid's sports. I'm a branch manager for a semiconductor distribution company in Montreal (head office is in California). And yes I speak French, makes communication a chore, shifting back and forth between French and English leaves me a little befuddled at times. The hardware side of our obsession really hasn't grabbed me as much as the music, looks like I've kept the hobby in perspective so far. Having said that, I've spent my fair share on gear. Well, I'm off to see Pearl Jam, happy listening all...Jeff
If you can be midfi and still contribute, here goes. I'm 40 and a veterinarian in coastal Georgia. I gained an ear for music early thanks to my parents who made me play 10 years in the orchestra, violin then bass, (so I wouldn't be too much of a redneck....or was my dad doing that Johnny Cash "Boy Named Sue" thing...) Most of my background is large animal, (horses and cows,) but now my old beat-up body, (also 4 years as a paratrooper,) treats mostly dogs and cats. I have two music loving young'uns, 11 and 8, but you should not want to listen to NSYNC and Ms. Spears that much. My wife likes the TV, so my listening room is my office. [David99, can I have an email on all that gear you will be selling after the union?] Best to all, thanks for the occasional "short cut" to great sound. Charlie
Charlie,I wont be selling any of my gear.I laid down the law early on concerning the importance of my stereo.She also is quite interested in the hardware.Digs the tubes and turntable!! Come on give me more credit than that!! I'm an AUDIOPHILE first,LOVER second........
Well, I guess I'm up. I am a 31 year old programmer/analyst. This is my first year of doing this. Previously, I spent 8 years as a chemist/materials scientist, working in the electronics industry. I was born and raised in the Philadelphia, PA area. I make my home in the suburbs of this wonderful city. Not married yet, no children. My father was an electrician, tv/audio repairman, and finally an electrical engineer. He was(and is) very much into audio. There were always countless amounts of equipment around. And I had my first system before I was five. I became more serious as a teenager, and took a hiatus in my mid 20's(no time). I went through my father's stages, post tube era. American audio ala the 70s and 80s(the thirst for more and more power). Finally coming to the realization that you could only listen so loud, and that sound quality did not have to be a factor of volume. I had a bunch of solid state amps. Over time, I went back to the future, and fell in love with tubes. That's where I am now. I really love this site, and have learned so much, since coming on the scene in July. There are so many dedicated audiophiles here, I feel like I am in the presence of greatness. Joe