Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??
At 59 I'm one of the more senior citisens in this group - 3 grandkids, and semi-retired. Spent most of my career in banking, and was fortunate that my career led to oversees assignments in London and Tokyo, the latter a particularly educational experience.

After spending the past 40+ years living in major metropolitan centers I recently sold my coop in NYC, and now make what had been the summer home of my late wife and I in Southampton, NY my permanent home.

Having lost my partner of 25 years to cancer a year ago ending a 7 year battle, I slowly emerged from my funk helped in part by re-discovering my old hobby of music and audio equipment, in that order. I soon decided that my 20+ year old gear could use an updating, and was fortunate to discover Audiogon, where I've dabbled in some used equipment and leaned on many of you for advice.

I've beem looking around at some local businesses to take an interest in, and my first was to use my personal funds to set up a line of credit for a local dealer to fund the expanion his product lines. Obviously I'm not doing it to make a lot of money, but to keep the grey cells working and have some fun.

If anyone finds their way out to eastern Long Island please drop by - lots of audio gear, cds and lps - plus extra bedrooms and a pool in the backyard!

Happy New Year to All!!!

Doug (the grandkids call me Grandpa D)
grandpad: you, as i, are just one of many old farts on this forum who continue to listen and to learn. i regret the loss of your partner. at the same time, i envy you for your grandchildren; i'm still awaiting the birth, no, conception, of my names' sake. i've enjoyed reading your posts on the 'gon. welcome, friend. may you continue to grace our group with your yearning and wisdom. -cfb
Grandpad, here is another old fart, ten years your senior in fact, to welcome you, not as graceously as cfb was able to, however just as heartfelt. I went through the same as you did, only thankfully her suffering was just a few months. I also found solace in music and tinkering around with my gear. Have a very happy New Year!
my turn i suppose. i am a 27 year old obsessive compulsive audio enthusiast, er i mean audiophile. i realized i had a problem when i spent 6 weeks stalking preamps. somehow i have found time to graduate with a b.s. in mathematics and attend graduate studies in education so i can continue learnin' my students. i teach statistics at a two year college and algebra at a private secondary academy. i work as a professional tutor in mathematics, primarily high school and undergraduate levels, and help coordinate a federally funded program to assist esl students in preparing for the sat test. when i'm not doing all that or running, mountain biking, caring for my dogs or on audiogon, i listen to music, all kinds, as much as possible. actually i've noticed that if i have access to music, i can't be in a room without it for more than say 5 to 10 minutes. when i realized this one day, i knew that an investment in hifi would suit my life perfectly and bring me many, many hours and days and years of joy.
i fell into the world of hifi when i thought it was time to update a 18 yr old kenwood system my father gave to me. i went to a local hifi shop and purchased a receiver, little did i know, a cdp and a pair of floorstanders. since then i've found a better use for my receiver in my fathers ht setup, replaced the cdp and still use the paradigms. the receiver wasn't too much of a blunder since i communicated to the salesman that ht was likely in my future anyway and i didn't think i could afford a better integrated or separates then. so of course i quickly rationalized the expense of about $600 and picked up some cambridge audio separates. i just happened that the same dealer sold rogue audio, so as you can expect, within 2 months i rationalized the expense of about $4k on a very sweet pair of rogue separates. i finally felt and still feel very settled and satisfied with what i have now based on what i hear when i listen and what i have since learned. can't learn a damn thing without a few mistakes. at least that's what some professor said to me while we were talking one day.
so enough babbling, i think this will give you a good enough idea of who i am.
fujindemon: you've told us everthing except "where r u." guess you'll need to visit that thread next. in any event, you're in good company here with your rouge gear. david99, the wise author of this longest running thread, even named himself after his rouge (or is that, former rouge?). BTW, don't even dream you're thru with your audio purchases. welcome to the 'gon.
