I am an environmental attorney and also partner in a brownfield consulting company. I live in Chicago (Logan Square neighborhood ... thus my imaginative handle). I'm 43 years old and have been a fan of stereo music reproduction (not necessarily "hi-fi") for almost 30 years. I went through my first real "phase" between 1989-1992, purchasing some decent mid-fi stuff (Denon receiver, Rotel CD player, etc.) I went for 18 years without significantly modifying my system, until I bought an Olive Opus in 2008, and then something apparently really came uncorked this summer (2009) and I started up with a vengeance reading, learning, purchasing equipment, tweaking my listening space, freaking out my wife, etc. I think the internet has been a great facilitator; Audiogon in particular. Thanks! =^)
The interactive nature of the internet is both liberating and terrifying/intimidating, but I will risk humiliation and stay involved in this fun community.