I have a pair of Thiel CS6 speakers that dip to around 2 ohms in part of the frequency spectrum. I run them with a Krell KSA 300S that doubles its power down to one ohm (300 watts @ 8 ohms, 2400 watts @ 1 ohm). When I took the amp in for recapping I tried hooking up my Onkyo A/V receiver to the Thiels. The results were laughable. The Onkyo sounded like an AM radio. The soundstage was flat as a pancake. I figured there would be a difference but I had no idea it would be that dramatic.
@8th-note Your conclusion might not be accurate - its very likely that current had nothing to do with it.
To present a sound stage the mids and highs need to be reproduced properly. You usually don't need current for that since most speakers are fairly easy to drive in the mids and highs. Theils tend to have their weird impedance issues in the bass region, which has nothing to do with presenting a sound stage.
If the Onkyo has a power amp input I would run your preamp into that and see if you still say the same thing. Of course by now the issue might be moot since this is an anecdote; my point is that there were a lot more variables going on here than you initially surmised.
Our OTLs are known for a very good soundstage and yet they have a high output impedance so can't deliver the power into lower impedances. Our class D can- but the sound stage of our class D vs our OTLs is nearly identical.