11,504 posts
…impedance issues in the bass region, which has nothing to do with presenting a sound stage.
@atmasphere is this statement meant to rule out bass as being important to listener perception of soundstage? That would seem doubtful… query not intended as a challenge for which I have empirical grounds, just interested.
11,504 posts
…Our OTLs are known for a very good soundstage and yet they have a high output impedance so can’t deliver the power into lower impedances. Our class D can- but the sound stage of our class D vs our OTLs is nearly identical.
And this would make that potential discrepancy even more interesting.
572 posts
…I also believe the preamp is more instrumental in establishing soundstage than the power amp is in my experience.
Not sure you intended it but, that’s gonna be the pun to beat today.