06-20-12: Dan_ed
You guys are proving my point. There is not even a subject to this thread, and yet you want to argue when someone doesn't react the way you want.
Sorry to argue the point, Dan, but that's not what happened. In fact, that's the OPPOSITE of what happened. Here's what happened...
1. Lacee asked a serious and philosophical question in the OP on 6/10.
2. I gave a serious and philosophical answer on 6/11, and another one on 6/18.
3. On 6/19, you asked, "Why do people want to get philosophical in a hobby forum?"
4. Today, you said, "It is funny to watch how some get so serious, and others don't."
Those comments amount to saying, "I don't like posts that are serious or philosophical." So the person telling other people how they should react is, in fact, you.
I've read a lot of your posts, Dan, and you seem like a well informed and reasonable guy. I would invite you to consider that some people enjoy being philosophical from time to time, and maybe that's not such a bad thing. To my mind, the world could use more reflection, not less.