A great analysis, Bryon, as usual!
I think that one especially good insight, among several that were contained in your post, is:
-- Al
I think that one especially good insight, among several that were contained in your post, is:
Audiophiles split into Objectivists and Subjectivists when the topic is one where it's unclear whether there are objective facts, e.g. Can an AC outlet affect sound quality? For topics like those, the debate between Objectivism and Subjectivism tends to turn into a debate between two opposing views of knowledgeObjectivists are frequently mischaracterized as believing that if something isn't measurable, it isn't audible. Ms. Goodwin herself stated in the article that "The problems I encounter with many objectivists on the internet has to do with their mindset, they are closed-minded to anything sounding different if it cannot be measured." Which leads me to emphasize your careful use of the phrase "discoverable by science," and to note that that does not mean "has been discovered by science."
6. The Objectivist believes that if outlets affect sound quality, then there are objective facts about how, facts that are DISCOVERABLE BY SCIENCE.
7. The Subjectivist believes that if outlets affect sound quality, then there need not be objective facts about how, and hence whatever facts exist NEED NOT BE DISCOVERABLE BY SCIENCE.
-- Al