As I reflect back on all the hours viewing system set ups as lovely as they are with all those expensive components, I dare say most of these pictures have the speakers pretty damn close to the wall. Dealers Display the speakers pretty damn close to the wall. Then I began noticing a few set ups where the speakers looked weird being pulled so far from the wall.
My large basement on the habitable side has my speakers right in the middle of the room and they are older and they really fill the room extremely well. I thought it was just the speakers but it was more than that. In my other rooms and systems it's tougher to get those speakers very far from the walls, but I am rethinking things with a goal of pulling the speakers way the hell away from the walls. Rectangular rooms are difficult where the long wall is being used for the system. Points of egress and windows and doors make it difficult to use the Wall on the short side of the room for the system, very sad.