Why does the VPI motor thump

Why is it when I turn off my VPI motor I hear a thump through the loudspeakers? The only direct connection to the stereo is the belt.
Try plugging in the power cord on the VPI into one of those power strips with an on and off switch and turn the power on with the switch. If the thump goes away then you will know it is a bad switch on the VPI! I replaced the switch on mine with a heavy duty toggle and never had the problem again. It's worth a try.
Is there a material that can shield from the magnetic field?
I would buy another capacitor from radio shack if I knew what type and size to get. Does anyone have any info on that?
Try a .047uF/630V. LL shoot me a PM and Ill put one in the mail to you, its a 25c part.

BTW ANY power switch on ANY component will make a thump in the system if not by passed with a capacitor, its not only a VPI issue.

Best of luck

I purchased a VPI 'Scout' when they first came out, and thought that I had the turntable for the rest of my life. The motor was just plain noisy, and there were other issues, which I am not getting into here, but I got rid of my VPI very quickly.

Very disappointing!
My TT motor on/off switch has no capacitor and it never thumps.

Of course it's battery powered and not connected to the electrical system.
