Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?



Talk, talk, talk, you got no games, just a poddy mouth. Clearly a wanna be pretender with an iphone.

So you alert me with a message and then delete it before I or anyone can read it?
How brave.

You know you're not winning over anyone with your antics or making that many friends and to have a hobby is to share that hobby in a peaceable fashion or is that too antiquated a concept for you?

All the best,

So you posted whilst I was composing. Doesn't everyone have an iPhone or the equivalent? Besides, I only use it as phone. Any serious photos I'd take are done with a camera and even the ones I take with my iPhone don't look as amateurish as the dreck you post about your "system". Not one decent shot in the bunch.

All the best,


You know you're not winning over anyone with your antics or making that many friends
